A wise man once said, "Mahwiage. Mahwaige is what bwings us togever. Today." Marriage is a hot topic in the U.S. right now. Do you ever wonder why? Marriage itself hasn't changed too much from the beginning of time. Or has it?
Have you noticed any of the trends that are appearing? Let's talk about some of the major ones. We have the age at which people are getting married. In the world, women are generally getting married at around age 26, while men are a couple of years older, around 28. If you recall, in the earlier centuries, early marriage used to be a sign of status. If you were a woman, you would want to marry as early as possible in order to have someone to provide for you and give you a place to live. In the LDS community, the ages are a couple of years earlier, but not much. LDS women tend to marry around age 23, while men tend to marry around age 25. Even the LDS society is following the same trends as the world.
Getting married later is not the only trend appearing in our country. For some, the decision to marry is not even an option in their minds. Why tie yourself down to one individual when you can remain free and with as many people as you want your entire life? There are many different reasons people are no longer choosing to marry in this life.
For one, women are now financially independent: they have the education and the means to provide for themselves. This no longer gives them a reason to have a steady man in their lives. People have discovered cohabitation, the act of living together without any marital bonds. More and more people are cohabiting instead of marrying. Fear is a big stumbling block for many people when it comes to marrying. Men can be afraid that they won't have the means to provide for a family. Women are afraid that they will no longer have any freedom. People are afraid of families, and the effort and exhaustion it takes to raise children. It is no longer convenient to marry. It is actually more convenient to remain unmarried. And then there is the social factor. Back in the day, it used to be socially positive to marry young, or to marry at all. Now, many people have decided marriage is no longer socially acceptable.
Marriage is hard. But it leads to amazing things. It gives you one person that will always be there for you, a permanent love relationship. It allows for children to be brought into the world. It creates families, which as we know is what populates the world. I, for one, am ecstatic to marry one day. I am excited to start a family of my own, and to have someone that will always love me.
I've heard the saying, "My husband has never done anything to make me wish for a divorce. Murder, yes, but never a divorce." Marriage is a challenge.
Challenge accepted.