Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Daddy's Roles in the Family

Dads. Dads are wonderful. My dad is a huge part of my life, and I am extremely close to him in many ways. Often in society today people tend to lean towards the thought that dads are no longer necessary to raising a child. I'm going to talk about the different roles that fathers have in the family that make them not only a requirement, but a privilege to have. 

1. Dads have the role to teach
There are some skills and different tidbits of knowledge in life that simply cannot be taught by a mother, especially if there are sons in the family. Testosterone, the dominant hormone in males, is not something that can be truly understood by a female. The father teaches control and understanding to his sons when it comes to this part of him. 

2. Dads have the role to be an example
Again, aimed mostly towards the sons in the family, fathers need to show their sons how to be a male. How to act, what to say, what to like, and all of the things that come with being a "man." This knowledge cannot be taught by a mother, no matter how hard she might try. It can be learned eventually, but that might be more pain than it's worth. 

3. Dads have the role to provide
Mothers are nurturers. They love, comfort, protect, help, and so many other things. Their children are dependent on them in so many ways. However, it is mostly the man's role in the family as the provider. Sure, the mom can help too, but the father is and should be the main provider in the home. 

There are so many other reasons why fathers are so important in a child's life. Unfortunately, I do not have adequate space to write and write about how wonderful fathers are, so you might just have to take it from me. Dads are awesome!! My dad is one of my best friends, and I am exactly like him. This is one reason why my heart breaks every time I hear of another child born out of wedlock, or because the girl was drunk or just plain stupid. Fathers are a necessary and significant part of a child's life, and that role must not be taken lightly. 

I understand that in some situations, having a father-figure in the home is impossible. But if we are healthy, married, and have children, then keep that father close, not only for your sake, but for the sake of your children. 

Props to DADS everywhere!!


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